See the brand new LOST video from Executive Producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse that made its surprise debut at Comic-Con.
[Via ABC]

See the brand new LOST video from Executive Producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse that made its surprise debut at Comic-Con.
[Via ABC]
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I honestly have no idea what this viral marketing campaign is about, but it’s getting quite interesting.
Via Collider:
At this year’s Bonnaroo Music Festival, one of the things that I heard was very cool was right before Arcade Fire performed, people said it was raining blue light from the sky. When I heard about it, I figured most of my friends were wasted and it was a plane overheard that was blinking a blue light. However, the other day I received a package and it had a flash drive and a few other things. The items had a link to and one of them had “Mission Icefly” written on the side of it.
When I put the flash drive in my computer, I noticed it had a video. It starts with a sign for Bonnaroo and then it shows people reacting to what I’d heard about. As the video ends, it has a link to However, shortly after the link, the video goes black and then after a few seconds, a very short message appears. While I can’t make out what is said, I did notice the person talking is Terry O’Quinn (Lost).
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This new Japanese trailer for ‘Real Steel’ shows new footage of Evangeline Lilly’s role in the film.
LOST alum Kevin Durand (Martin Keamy) also co-stars. ‘Real Steel’ hits theaters on December 7th.
[Via ]
Via Verbal Ink:
As many of you know, we’ve just passed the one year anniversary of the finale of LOST. But we here at Verbal Ink aren’t quite ready to let go. Our Founder and CEO won several items at the official LOST auction last Fall, which makes him the coolest (or perhaps geekiest) boss in any timeline. After winning a ferocious bidding war – against some company named Widmore Industries – we were selected as the official winner. Many people died smuggling this off the island, but what most caught us by surprise were some of the other names on the wall . . . Don Knotts? Who knew! Please watch this unofficial Dharma Initiative video to answer all of your burning questions.
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