Mar 21
Josh Holloway Talks ‘Community’
Cast and Crew of Lost, Post-LOST
Yesterday, Josh Holloway attended the Milk And Bookies Second Annual Story Time Celebration held at the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles, California.
Via TV Guide:
As the sarcastic and strapping Sawyer on Lost there were few things that rattled Josh Holloway. Taking on polar bears, the Others, and those creepy folks from the Dharma Initiative — no sweat! But when it comes to things that intimidate the actor in real life, the smoke monster doesn’t hold a candle to the cast of NBC’s Community.
“They’re all so funny!” he told TV Guide Magazine of his guest stint on the show’s season finale. “They’re really tight with their comedy. It’s rhythmic. It makes me feel so not very funny being around them. I was a little like, ‘Uh oh. I’m not funny. I’ve got no rhythm.’ But it worked out.”
That may be an understatement, as Holloway, whose character engages in a paintball fight with the cast, received nothing but high marks from the show’s actors. “He’s such a man. So charming, and such a nice, nice man.” gushed Yvette Nicole Brown to us last week. “He’s playing a mysterious character and he’s wonderful in the role. It’s a role that written perfectly for him.”

“It’s a fun role,” says Holloway of the experience. “I loved those guys. I had a really good time and they were so awesome. I’d worked with Chevy [Chase] before on a movie so I was honored to get to work with him again, and the rest of the cast.”
Fans should enjoy Holloway’s TV appearance — rumored to be an homage to The Man With No Name from Sergio Leone’s Dollars Trilogy — because for now the actor is not looking into doing more television. “Well, right now I’m giving it a break because you have to sign that rather lengthy contract,” he admits. “But I’m open with TV still. TV has changed quite a bit, even since Lost. There’s a lot of great TV out there now, but I’m giving movies a shot, while I can.”
[Photos via]
Josh Holloway,
Oct 14
PHOTOS: Josh Holloway on the Set of Mission Impossible 4
Cast and Crew of Lost, Photos, Screencaps & Scans, Post-LOST

These are the first photos of Josh Holloway on the set of Mission Imposible 4, his first post-LOST project. Check out more photos after the jump.
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Josh Holloway,
Photos & Scans,
Jul 27
SCANS: Josh Holloway Interview for Men’s Health Magazine
Cast and Crew of Lost, Interviews, Photos, Screencaps & Scans
Thanks to for these scans.
(Click to enlarge)

Josh Holloway,
Photos & Scans,
May 19
LOST 6.16 “What They Died For” – Live Reaction/Recap Video
LOST Theories, Recaps/Reviews, Season 6, Videos
This is the video recap for LOST season 6 episode 16, “What They Died For,” which aired May 18, 2010 on ABC.
My friend Allison joined me to summarize the night’s events and share our personal reactions to the show as it aired.
WARNING: Video contains Spoilers if you have not yet seen this episode!
This episode featured lots of crazy happenings both on and off the island.
Watch the video for the whole rundown and our reactions…
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adam rucker,
Ana Lucia,
Damon Lindelof,
Episode 6.16,
lost reaction video,
lost recap video,
Season 6,
Apr 30
Josh Holloway: “I actually slept in Sawyer’s tent once. I was eaten alive by mosquitoes and sand flies.”
Cast and Crew of Lost, Interviews

Josh Holloway spoke to USA Weekend‘s Bill Keveney about LOST, marriage, fatherhood, Hawaii, Post-LOST plans and more.
He values his years on Lost, especially as his character evolved from a bitter, insulated man to one who was more mature and involved in a committed relationship with Juliet (played by Elizabeth Mitchell). But with her death at the beginning of this season, the old Sawyer bile came back. “He’s a dead man inside,” he says. Now, the character just wants to get off the island.
Holloway also appreciates the financial stability that comes with a hit show; he bought a house on Oahu, his first. “In my experience, a single man doesn’t need much to be satisfied,” he says, brushing back his hair in a losing battle with the warm patio breeze. “You could have a tent and a six-pack of beer, and you’re pretty good.”
But not necessarily good for his six-pack abs, which he needs in his frequent bare-chested scenes. “My wife [Yessica] and I love food, especially rich French food,” he admits. “That doesn’t go with sex symbol, either.
Click here to read the full interview.
[Thanks to for the heads up!]
Josh Holloway,
Apr 01

All the mirror scenes from Season 6 so far.
[Via Bamtan]
Benjamin Linus,
Fan Art,
John Locke,
Photos & Scans,
Sawyer, Sayid,
Season 6,
Mar 19
Reconvergence: A Cultural Interpretation of LOST 6.08 “Recon” by Pearson Moore
LOST Theories, Recaps/Reviews, Season 6

“Do you want to die alone?”
Miles’ question went to the heart of tonight’s episode. The more James Ford remains unchanged, unmoving, the more the world around him whirls about, laughing at him, demonstrating time and again the inadequacy of his actions and plans. Whether wooing an archeologist with a flower, conning a woman with a too-obvious scheme, or losing a battle of wits with the Man in Black, Sawyer found himself in over his head, rendered impotent by event and circumstance.
The worlds around Sawyer are not only changing. They are converging. The challenges James has faced to this point are as molehills to the coming mountains. If he is to survive, Sawyer will have to do something he has successfully resisted his entire life: Sawyer must grow up.
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Episode 6.08,
LOST Theories,
man in black,
Pearson Moore,
Season 6,
Smoke Monster
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