Jul 29
Photo Gallery: Matthew Fox Attends Hollywood Foreign Press Association’s Annual Installation Luncheon
Cast and Crew of Lost, Photos, Screencaps & Scans

Yesterday Matthew Fox attended the Hollywood Foreign Press Association Annual Installation Luncheon at The Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills, CA. Among other celebrities invited to this event were Nicole Kidman, Breaking Bad‘s Bryan Craston, Desperate Housewives‘ Eva Longoria and Glee‘s Jane Lynch.
Check out more photos after the jump!
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Matthew Fox,
Photos & Scans
Jul 17

Via The Hollywood Reporter:
On the heels of his first-ever Emmy nom and his much-buzzed-about departure from television after 18 years, Fox is finally getting lost. Together with his wife, Margherita, and their two children, Kyle and Byron, Fox is settling into a 10-acre ranch in Bend, Ore. — a world away from his former life shooting the series in the Aloha state. He opens up to THR’s Leslie Bruce about his Emmy nom, his plans for a post-”Lost” future and, of course, that final episode.
The Hollywood Reporter: An Emmy nom at long last! Are you feeling vindicated?
Fox: I had no idea the awards were being announced that day, but it’s very nice to be recognized. I thought the show had a really great season, especially with expectations being so enormous. I think that’s really saying something. I’m just looking forward to partying with the cast and raising a glass to the show.
THR: The series finale met mixed reviews among fans and critics. What’s been your response?
Fox: Obviously, the show left room for interpretation when the white light poured through. I don’t pay attention to how it was received. Damon (Lindelof) told me the ending two months prior and I was extremely moved. I thought it was absolutely beautiful.
THR: Dr. Jack Shephard was essentially the show’s “everyman” character. How difficult was it channeling such an iconic role?
Fox: I put a lot of myself into him, so it was tremendously emotional. He started as the hero of the show and we thought the audience would be bored out of their minds if he were the knight in shining armor all the time. We wanted to take the first four years and destroy him. So, that’s what we did. And in the end, Jack redeemed himself before he could move on; I think that’s why I was nominated. It has more to do with Jack than anything I was doing for six years.
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LOST Finale,
Matthew Fox,
Jul 14
Apologia Pro Vita Fidei: The Cultural and Spiritual Journey of Jack Shephard in LOST by Pearson Moore
LOST Theories, Recaps/Reviews

It was preposterous.
Push the “execute” button every 108 minutes. Why? Because Marvin Candle commands you to do so. That is, accept on faith the instructions of a man in a white lab coat–a man of science–to perform a nonsensical task on obsolete equipment in an ancient facility built by a long-dead organisation.
The orientation film’s use of scientific imagery to perpetuate the charade was an assault on the very foundations of reason, logic, and science, an absurdity not worth any thinking person’s indulgence, least of all that of expert spinal surgeon Jack Shephard, M.D.
Jack left the Swan Station after viewing the orientation film with Locke and arguing with him over the significance of the film. But something drove him back to the station. Was it the fact that John had saved his life a few weeks before? Or was something else in play?
LOCKE: You have to [push the button].
JACK: No. It’s not real. Look, you want to push the button, you do it yourself.
LOCKE: If it’s not real, then what are you doing here, Jack? Why did you come back? Why do you find it so hard to believe?
JACK: Why do you find it so easy?
LOCKE: It’s never been easy! …. It’s a leap of faith, Jack.
Jack Shephard, without a word, reached out his right index finger and depressed the execute button. He had taken the first step on an arduous, lonely, soul-shaking journey. In just over three years, Jack Shephard, man of science, would be transformed into Locke’s disciple, the Island’s supreme shaman, committed man of faith.
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Pearson Moore,
Jul 08
Matthew Fox’s Reaction To His First Emmy Nomination
Awards, Cast and Crew of Lost

Via USA Today’s Bill Keveney:
Matthew Fox sees his Emmy nomination as an excellent reason for one last Lost get-together.
“It gives me a great excuse to go to (the award ceremony) and hang out with all the people I did the show with. We’ll have a little reunion and raise a few glasses of champagne to what we did for six years,” says Fox, nominated in the lead actor category for the ABC drama.
He was especially proud that Lost received a best drama nomination for its final season, the heavily scrutinized culmination of a TV phenomenon. “I think the show had created enormous expectations this season and somehow we met or even exceeded them in some respects,” says Fox, who left Hawaii for the mainland with his family only a week ago. “Seeing the show getting the nomination and (executive producers) Damon (Lindelof) and Carlton (Cuse) and Jack Bender and the other actors getting nominated, I feel great about it.”
Matthew Fox
Jun 06
The Measure of an Island: Unifying the Cultural, Mythical, and Emotional Aspects of LOST by Pearson Moore
LOST Theories

Did Jack Shephard’s death have meaning?
I believe we might answer this question with any of four different responses. First, some may agree with the Man in Black: Jack’s death had no meaning because the Island has no value. It’s “just a damn island”. Second, a few might say Jack’s death meant something to him, but not to anyone else. Maybe the Island was more than “just a damn island” or maybe not, but in the end, it was not worth sacrificing a life. On the other hand, some may contend Jack’s death was meaningful precisely because he achieved his life’s goal, regardless of any value that may attach to the Island.
I believe the fourth possible response is the one most of us would offer: Jack’s death had meaning because the Island has intrinsic value.
An analysis of the question will reveal that Jack’s death was the dénouement for the cultural and mythical facets of LOST, and was the only conceivable segue to the emotional catharsis inside the church. In Jack’s death LOST brings the plot to its natural conclusion, unifying every aspect of culture, mythos, and character, and ensures LOST’s value as enduring literary masterpiece.
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John Locke,
LOST Theories,
Pearson Moore
Jun 01
Humanitas Insulae: The Culture of LOST by Pearson Moore
LOST Theories, Recaps/Reviews

A single question fascinated us for six years.
One question, posed over six seasons, in each of 121 episodes, in thousands of scenes, the query was always the same. Thirty-five characters tried to answer the question; twenty-one of them died in the attempt.
The scope was measured not in years but in millennia, not in lives lost but in the hundreds of souls sacrificed. Time itself had no meaning, for those asking the question and seeking the answer could move about unrestrained by the forward march of the clock. Each character formed the question into unique words. For Pierre Chang, the question centred around the origin of exotic matter. Charles Widmore wondered how the place might be exploited. The question in its most essential form was simple:
What is this Island?
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John Locke,
LOST Finale,
LOST Theories,
Pearson Moore,
Smoke Monster
May 25
So You Could Find One Another: Cultural Perfections in LOST 6.17-6.18 “The End” by Pearson Moore
LOST Theories, Recaps/Reviews, Season 6

This analysis is for Ree Hines.
I write this for everyone disappointed, angered, or confused.
You invested six years. Give it one more shot. Watch the finale again; you’ll thank yourself for the effort. Enlightenment may not require a punch in the face or renewed sense in legs once dead, but it does require careful thought. Enlightenment was not intended for the already-dead inhabitants of the sideways purgatory. It was intended for us. For the thirty millions around the world, most of whom sacrificed a Monday morning to experience the end.
Give it one more shot. If anyone should be disappointed in the ending, it’s Pearson Moore. Not one of my grand predictions proved correct. But I can tell you this, after a third viewing:
LOST is the greatest piece of fiction ever presented on television.
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John Locke,
LOST Finale,
LOST Theories,
Pearson Moore,
Season 6
May 19
LOST 6.16 “What They Died For” – Live Reaction/Recap Video
LOST Theories, Recaps/Reviews, Season 6, Videos
This is the video recap for LOST season 6 episode 16, “What They Died For,” which aired May 18, 2010 on ABC.
My friend Allison joined me to summarize the night’s events and share our personal reactions to the show as it aired.
WARNING: Video contains Spoilers if you have not yet seen this episode!
This episode featured lots of crazy happenings both on and off the island.
Watch the video for the whole rundown and our reactions…
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