Video: Jorge Garcia Talks Season 6
Cast and Crew of Lost, Interviews, Season 6, Videos View CommentsVia Watch With Kristin:
For those fans of Lost who are invested in the romance on the show, will there be anything for them this year, or is this primarily a mythology season?
Damon Lindelof: “That’s an excellent question. Our focus remains where it’s always been: on the characters. And there are significant and emotional bonds, from both the friendship and the romantic angle, that we would be remiss in not exploring; we probably won’t be exploring them in the way that you think. That’s my official answer.”All right, last night you about this event, and you said that you would address the numbers question.
Oh, well that was just to get people here. [Laughs.]Are we going to get an answer on the numbers this season?
When someone asks what the numbers mean or are you going to answer the mystery of the numbers, it’s a very interesting phrasing of a question, because I would pose it back to them: Well, what does an answer to “what do the numbers mean” look like? The answer that I’m giving now, my political answer, is that we’ve made a lot of the numbers in this show, so the idea that in the final season of the show we are telling everybody that we’re in answer mode and you’re never going to see the numbers again, or you won’t understand a lot more about the numbers than you do now, would be a cop-out. You would legitimately tar and feather us. But the one question that I can’t answer is what someone’s own level of personal satisfaction is going to be when all is said and done. We’ve gotten a sense from some people that there’s no such thing as a definitive answer to a question, you know? You say that this is the definitive answer and sometimes fans do like, “No, it’s not, I still think that there’s more there.” So all we can do is basically tell the story that we want to tell and answer the questions that are relevant to that story and hope that the audience leaves with some degree of satisfaction. But Lost wouldn’t be Lost if there wasn’t an ongoing debate as to whether or not questions were answered satisfyingly or not.

Lindelof on Season 6: We’ll Address The Meaning of the Numbers
Cast and Crew of Lost, Interviews, Season 6 View CommentsVia Comic Book Resources:
Lindelof’s work on “Lost” is coming to a close with the sixth and final season airing in just four months. “People keep saying, ‘Wow, it must be really sad for you guys,’ but I feel that excitement is the prevailing emotion,” he explained. “We’ve written over a hundred and ten hours of ‘Lost,’ now, and it’s been basically the same sort of family doing the show since the beginning, and I think we are all looking forwards to ending it. Every story has a beginning, middle and end, and as sad as it is sometimes to end a story, it’s also incredibly liberating and exciting. Every scene that we write is one scene closer to the inevitable, so it feels pretty good. I don’t know if anyone is going to like it, but at least we are delivering on our promise to answer some stuff.”
While Damon is looking forward to delivering the answers of many of the questions that have come up on “Lost,” he doesn’t plan on answering them all. “I don’t think it would be ‘Lost’ if we answered every question to every viewer’s satisfaction,” Lindelof said. “I mean, there are some people who are still asking us ‘What’s the story with Kate’s toy plane?’ and there is nothing more to say about it; we’ve definitively answered that question to the best of our ability on the show, so you won’t be hearing anymore about the toy plane. That being said, there are other sort of meta questions, like, what do the numbers mean, that we will be addressing more directly in the final season. But some people will feel like, ‘Wow, they answered more than I thought they ever would about that question,’ and some people will say ‘What a hose job, I am so unsatisfied!’ Our goal is to land in the middle of the ‘hose jobers’ and the ‘too much informationers,’ because you can’t make everybody happy.”
Some answers that Lindelof is willing to give fans now are to questions about who may or may not be appearing in the final season. “Most of the questions that we get asked are ‘Is so-and-so coming back?’ or ‘Are we going to see more of so-and-so?’ and I feel like that if I know the answer to that question, the fans sort of deserve a ‘Yes, that is something you should be looking forward to,’ or ‘Don’t get your hopes up for that because it’s not going to happen.’ I don’t want you to tune in waiting for the Great American Libby story, because it’s not coming.”

New Sky1 Interviews With Darlton, Michael Emerson, Matthew Fox & Evangeline Lilly
Cast and Crew of Lost, Interviews, Season 5, Sky One, Videos View CommentsHere are some new video interviews with Damon Lindelof, Carlton Cuse, Matthew Fox, Evangeline Lilly and Michael Emerson. May contain spoilers.
Matthew Fox, Evangeline Lilly & Michael Emerson
Damon Lindelof & Carlton Cuse

Thanks to Jack and Cynthia for the heads up!
In this interview with “Lost” co-creator Damon Lindelof, we look back on some of the behind-the-scenes decisions for season four, why some fans may be troubled by season five’s emphasis on time travel, and why the worst episode in “Lost” history was also the most important episode in “Lost” history (from a production standpoint, anyway).
What material did you have to leave out because of the strike that you won’t be able to get back to?
I don’t think that there’s anything that just got basically junked. There’s stuff that got truncated, so you’re getting the Cliff’s Notes version of the story. Whereas there might have been an entire episode that was Charlotte’s flashbacks if there hadn’t been a strike, now you get the story but not the flashbacks. I think the complete jettisoning of a story plan would take the whole Jenga tower down. We have to do all that stuff to get to where we’re going. Nothing was so expendable that you could just say we couldn’t get to do this. The show would suffer for it. But the Michael story, we wanted to do something that was more redemptive for him than staying with the bomb and allowing Jin to get to the deck as he was spraying liquid nitrogen onto it. But it ended up having to be that, as opposed to something that was probably more heroic, more emotional, by virtue of the fact that we had to collapse our time frame. Originally, we were going to do an hour less than we wound up doing, and we had to beg for that. We were still rolling film, like, 11 days before it was on the air. It was all we could do to cram everything in there, and you go, “What are the major story points you can play?” and you need to connect the dots. The primary story focus was on the Oceanic Six, and everyone else had to defer. We had to explain how Jin died, and so that gave us less time for Michael’s redemptive arc, and we regret that.
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Extended Versions of Sky1′s Interviews With The Cast
Cast and Crew of Lost, Interviews, Season 5, Sky One, Videos View CommentsBelow are the extended versions of the interviews that Paul Terry (LOST Magazine editor and co-host of the UK’s official LOST show “The LOST Initiative“) conducted with Naveen Andrews, Terry O’Quinn and Jorge Garcia.
Sky1 – Jorge Garcia Interview (Extended Version)
Watch the other two interviews after the jump.
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In Preparation for Season 5, Episode 5: “Lovers” – Votation Results
In Preparation for Season 5, Polls, SL-LOST Podcast View CommentsTwo months ago we asked you . Here are the results of the votation:
Congratulations, Jack and Kate!

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