Mar 06
“LaFleur” Recap by Jeremiah
Recaps/Reviews, Season 5
I have to give props to the writers for continuing to surprise me even this late in the game. My first guess was that the name of this episode alluded to a new Dharma station. Then, when the Dharma dudes discovered Horace drunk and blowing up trees, I thought LaFleur was Smokey. (A little out of left field, I know, but you can never be sure about this show.) But Sawyer? That never occured to me.
So how did James and Jin end up working for the utopian usurpers? Let’s say they couldn’t have done it without Juliet. I’ve been impressed with her Other ninja-ness since she decked Kate while she was bringing her a sandwich back in season 3. “LaFleur” revealed her sharp shooter side. The Lefties probably would have never made it out of that field if not for Juliet. She took out two Others before Sawyer could even ready his rifle for cryin’ out loud. I, for one, would love to see a Ben’s Boot Camp episode.
The episode also raised a new batch of questions about Dharma. What happened to Olivia? Why was Amy able to deliver on the island? Who’s her baby? Where’s Ben? What kind of weird thing happens to dead bodies on the island? And there’s no way that was really Charlotte, right?
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Juliet Burke,
Season 5,
Season 5 recaps by Jeremiah
Feb 28
“The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham” Recap by Jeremiah
Polls, Recaps/Reviews, Season 5
The first time I watched this episode I was sort of underwhelmed. There didn’t seem to be a whole lot of new information. I mean, we knew John went to the Oceanic 6, asked them to come back, and they said, “Go to hell, Jeremy Bentham.” Did we really need to see it? When I watched it a second time, though, I realized at least half of it was the third act. The entirety of Jeremy Bentham’s life and death could have taken place in that hotel room. And, as it was largely the extended scene between John and Ben, it was well done. Still, I’m not sure why the Suicide Showdown wasn’t the “present” in the episode. I think it might have felt a little less disjointed if John had spoken to the O6 in flashbacks.
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Season 5,
Season 5 recaps by Jeremiah,
The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham
Feb 19
“316″ Recap by Jeremiah
Recaps/Reviews, Season 5
Lost has been very good at flooring me by the end of an episode but there’s never been one that made my jaw drop during the first 10 seconds. “316″ changed all that. It also changed my opinion of O6 storyline. The off-island plot hemmed and hawed for the first couple hours. Last night, it was suddenly kicked into overdrive.
It opened with an altogether surprising sight – Jack there on the jungle floor, his eyes popping open and adjusting to the island’s improperly scattering light again. It was, of course, meant to evoke Lost’s opening moments. The only difference was that, instead of a mini bottle of booze, Jack had the torn corner of a letter in his pocket. It read “I wish.” Then he heard Hurley calling for help. Jack found him in (Charlotte’s?) river, holding onto a Charlie-esque guitar case to stay afloat. He made a dramatic dive from the top of a waterfall to go after him. Jack pulled Hurley to safety, then went to check on Kate, who was lying on the riverbank. Just then Hurley’s van pulled up and Jin, decked out in a Dharma jumpsuit, got out. And that, in a nutshell, was all that happened on the island. Surprisingly, you won’t hear me complain.
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Tags: 316,
Season 5,
Season 5 recaps by Jeremiah
Feb 13
“This Place Is Death” Recap by Jeremiah
Recaps/Reviews, Season 5
Lost got down to brass tacks this week. And by brass tacks, I mean One-Armed French Dude. It was a great gag, on par with Arzt. The timing was impeccable. Montand was pulled into the “declivity in the wall” just long enough for me to think, Eaten, and then, That’s what she meant by ‘lost his arm’? before he called out for help. Which led to the darkly funny realization that he was just standing (or laying, squatting, what have you) a few feet down this hole. With one arm. Which later led to the genuinely creepy realization that something did happen to all of them down there and, in a moment, they were changed.
There were some updates on non-peripheral characters, too. Jack and Ben got a new recruit when Ben used his Dharma mind tricks to convince Sun to join the Go Back Squad. Here’s a woman with a gun in his face and every intent to kill him over her husband’s death. He not only convinces her to drop the weapon but to get in the car with him and let him drive her to see a woman who can prove that her husband, who was last seen 3 years ago on an exploding freighter, is alive and well. Which is two lies. He has the proof – Jin’s wedding ring – on him and the woman they’re going to see has no time for reunions. And he has the nerve to stop the van on the ride over just to call her an ingrate. Seriously, the guy is magic.
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Season 5,
Season 5 recaps by Jeremiah,
This Place is Death
Feb 06
“The Little Prince” Recap by Jeremiah
Recaps/Reviews, Season 5
I’m not looking forward to writing this. Normally Lost leaves me breathless and I stumble over my words later trying to tell people about all the cool stuff that happened. Those are the “Through the Looking Glass”/”The Hunting Party”/”Walkabout” episodes. Then there are the “The Other 48 Days”/”Eggtown”/”Stranger in a Strange Land” variety, the ones that feel unnecessary or padded. For me, “The Little Prince” fell into the latter category. And yes, this coming from a guy who just put a season two episode on his list of favorites. Don’t get me wrong, it had it’s moments (Kate in the jungle, the Ajira wreckage, Jin!) but it also had a lot of O6 set up. While I’m confident the off-island plot will pay off, it will take a while to get there. Meanwhile, (doing my best Karl impression) The island plot is packed with revelations! The island is packed with revelations right now! So you’ll have to forgive me if I’m a little put off by real world shenanigans.
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Season 5,
Season 5 recaps by Jeremiah, The Little Prince
Jan 29
5.03 “Jughead” Recap by Jeremiah
Recaps/Reviews, Season 5
If you watched the enhanced version of “The Lie” tonight, you were treated to a couple Easter eggs. OK, maybe only one counts. First, we learned that Ms. Hawking’s first name is Eloise. Sound familiar? Vaguely rat-like? It’s the same name given to the mouse Dan “unstuck” from time at Oxford. Second, did anyone else see Walt in that Tyson chicken commercial? Alright. It’s not directly related. It was weird, though, right?
Those of us who felt overwhelmed by the time jumps in the season opener (myself included), will be glad to know the island cooled it with flashes this week. This revealed an interesting new spin on the storytelling this year. It seems likely that the island will stay in a particular time period long enough for us to get a convenient history. This episode also felt like it had more of a classic Lost structure as its’ flash-forwards centered on one character. It doesn’t mean the paced has slowed any, though. What do you expect from a TV show that begins with a woman whom we’ve never seen pregnant in labor?
Penny gave birth to a remarkably clean little boy on their boat. Turns out it’s not anchored in the Mediterranean. I’m not sure where it is, but then, neither is Widmore. Penny hasn’t spoken to him since Desmond’s return. They name the boy Charlie and the three of them live on this little boat for three years. When Charlie is older, Desmond tells him about a magical island with monsters and deep lochs: Scotland. It’s clever wordplay. Our island has it’s own monsters and deep Lockes to contend with.
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Season 5,
Season 5 recaps by Jeremiah
Jan 22
“Because You Left/The Lie” Recap By Jeremiah
Recaps/Reviews, Season 5
Please give our new recapper Jeremiah a warm welcome!!!
Let me say this before I get started: tonight was a lot of Lost. I’m writing this having only watched each episode once, so if I miss a few details or get a few wrong, mea culpa. The show has the same pace this year that it ended with last year, meaning there’s lots of ground to cover in each episode. Hopefully, one episode per week will prove to be a little more manageable.
Because You Left
Rating: 5/5
Lost’s fifth season, if the first episode is any indication, is going to be a bumpy ride. The island – or maybe just its’ 2004 residents – has become, like Desmond, unstuck. It (or they) jump from the past to the future in an instant, causing some very strange side-effects.
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Tags: Because You Left,
Season 5,
Season 5 recaps by Jeremiah,
The Lie
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