Ajira Airways Site Unlocked!!!
ABC, Ajira Airways, Alternate Reality Games, Photos, Screencaps & Scans, Season 5 View CommentsClick on the thumbnails below to learn how to book a Ajira Airways Flight 316 ticket. (We’ve also taken lots of screencaps of some flashing images.)
Big thanks to Maladylis for the info!!!
Tags: ABC, Ajira Airways, Caesar, Ilana, Photos & Scans, Season 5ABC is sending the first two episodes of the Fifth Season to some TV reviewers, such as Doc Jensen from Entertainment Weekly. Below are his thoughts about the episodes. (The article contains some minor spoilers, read it at your own risk).
Tags: Because You Left, recaps&reviews, Season 5, The LieYesterday. 9:30 a.m. I was moments away from spending the day at Disneyland, the happiest place on Earth, when a certain EW colleague, whose name rhymes with Shmichael Slausiello, tipped me off that the first two episodes of Lost’s fifth season were now available to lucky media dorks like me for reviewing. Suddenly, the House of Mouse (and really, any other locale that wasn’t my laptop DVD player) was not the happiest place on Earth, but the most hellishly inconvenient. ARRRRGHHH! A long day of standing in life-stealing, long-ass lines became even more criminal and assish as I counted the minutes before I could rip into the most awesome of delayed Christmas presents. (Although I must say, The Pirates of the Carrbbean — a masterpiece of experiential narrative on any other day — was almost compelling enough to distract me from my furious angst. ALMOST.)
Finally, at 10 p.m. last night, with exhausted family passed out, I sat down and broke the seven-month Lost fast with the first two helpings of season 5. Both went down well, one more so than the other. A few thoughts in advance of a more thorough discussion to come, once the episodes air and we’re all on the same page.
Thanks to SL-LOST.com reader Maladylis for the following info:
Tags: ABC, Ajira AirwaysThe promo code is the code on the Sky Card (the black card on the web page). When you put the numbers on a code reader, they say Promo. The numbers are 112 114 111 109 111.
**UPDATED** Thanks to for sending us the solution for the Ajira Origami, which confirms that Guam is indeed the destination!
One of the destinations available on ABC’s updated Ajira Airways site is the Island of Guam. Nothing strange, right?
Well, according to our reader Coma, the Hex-Code on Ajira’s About Us page says “Where America’s Day Begins”, which is the motto of the Guam Island!
This island is located in the western Pacific Ocean and is an organized, unincorporated insular area of the United States. It is one of five U.S. territories with an established civilian government. The island’s capital is Hagåtña (formerly Agana). — Click here to read the Wikipedia entry.
The Guam International Airport is a primary regional airport serving passenger and cargo needs between Guam and the United States, Asia, Australia and various islands in the Pacific region. — Click here to visit the Airport’s Official site.
So, how is all this related to LOST? I have no clue, but if I were you, I would select Guam as the destination on Ajira’s flight booking window.
Big thanks to Coma for all the info!
Tags: ABC, Ajira AirwaysDharma Special Access: Week 6
ABC, Ajira Airways, Alternate Reality Games, Cast and Crew of Lost, Season 5, Videos View CommentsHere is the latest video from Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse.
Ajira Airways Website Updated (More Screencaps Added)
ABC, Ajira Airways, Alternate Reality Games, Photos, Screencaps & Scans, Season 5 View CommentsABC’s Ajira Airways website has been updated. The image below is from the new Ajira presentation video:
UPDATE: We have taken more screencaps of the website. Click on the thumbnails below to enlarge them.
Tags: ABC, Ajira Airways, Photos & Scans, Season 5In Preparation for Season 5, Episode 22: Meet The Cast III
Cast and Crew of Lost, In Preparation for Season 5, SL-LOST Podcast, Videos View CommentsLearn more about Naveen Andrews with the third “Meet the Cast” episode.
Tags: In Preparation for Season 5, Naveen Andrews, Sayid, SL-LOST Podcast, Videos
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