Here’s a new sneak peek from
Tags: Because You Left, Bernard, Charlotte, Daniel Faraday, Juliet Burke, Miles, Rose, Sawyer, Season 5, Sneak PeekIn Preparation for Season 5, Episode 5: “Lovers” – Votation Results
In Preparation for Season 5, Polls, SL-LOST Podcast View CommentsTwo months ago we asked you . Here are the results of the votation:
Congratulations, Jack and Kate!
Tags: Alex, Benjamin Linus, Bernard, Boone, Charlie, Claire, Desmond, Hurley, In Preparation for Season 5, Jack, Jin, Juliet Burke, Karl, Kate, Libby, Nadia, Penny, Polls, Rose, Sawyer, Sayid, Shannon, SL-LOST Podcast, SunWhich of these questions are going to be answered before the season ends, in your opinion?
1) Is Aaron’s mummy going bye-bye? With Aaron now living with Kate and calling her mama, one could assume that Claire is either a) dead or b) back on the island wielding the least effective Amber Alert ever. Is a tender sign-off in her future?
2) How did Alex end up with Ben? Poor Alex grew up thinking Ben was her father. How did that “happen”? And isn’t it a little strange that it took a hardcore jungle survivalist like Rousseau 16 years to find her?
3) Why does Hurley see dead people? Is there more to these visions than just a mental disorder? Hurley’s imaginary pal Dave helped him overcome his shyness and the reappearance of Charlie kick-starts Hurley’s desire to return to the island.
4) How did Michael and Walt get back to New York? Desmond’s storyline has shown that leaving the island is not a simple process. “Meet Kevin Johnson” revealed that the pair made it back to New York, but how?
5) Are you buying this “constant” nonsense? Stuck in a time travel loop, Desmond is headed for a Minkowski-style aneurysm, but after a little chit-chat with Penny, his “constant,” he’s fine? Does this make sense?
6) How does Sayid end up working for Ben? What — or who — could Ben possibly have in his corner that would make the forthright military man end up gunning-for-hire for His Otherness?
7) Will we ever learn all of Jack’s father’s secrets? We know that he’s both Jack and Claire’s dad, but is there more to the late Dr. Shephard Sr. (John Terry)? For example, is he maybe not dead? Is he maybe — oh, I don’t know — Jacob?
Is Jin really dead? We saw Sun bring her newborn daughter to Jin’s grave, a grave that showed Jin’s date of death as September 22, 2004, the date of the crash. Did he really die, or is it some elaborate Oceanic Six cover-up?
9) Where is Penny’s boat? OK, now that we know what is NOT PENNY’S BOAT, where is her dang rescue party? Surely not still poking around the Arctic, right?
10) What is Smokey the Monster? Rousseau called it a security system that protects the island. We learn something new about Smokey every time we see him. So far he has made some noises and attacked and/or killed people. What’s next?
11) Can Juliet be trusted? At this point, Juliet has double-, triple-, and quadruple-crossed nearly every character on the island. We know she wants to leave the island. We know she hates Ben and loves Jack. Or do we?
12) Who are the bad guys? Ben is fond of saying that he’s one of the good guys. More recently, he’s pointed an accusatory finger at Charles Widmore (Alan Dale, pictured), Penny’s dad, as the guy who faked the crash of Oceanic 815.
13) How did the island cure Locke and Rose? Locke was paralyzed and Rose had cancer before they boarded Oceanic 815. But now they’re both cured. That’s some talented electromagnetism they got there, ay?
14) Who is in the coffin? It seems to be of smaller than average size. The funeral parlor appears to be in an African-American neighborhood. Nobody shows up for the funeral. Who is it? And why does Jack take his or her passing so hard?
Tags: Aaron, Alex, Benjamin Linus, Christian Shephard, Desmond, Hurley, John Locke, Michael, Penny, Rose, Sayid, Season 4, Smoke Monster, Walt
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